Wedded Bliss

April 20, 2007    By: Kristen J @ 8:54 am   Category: Life

As of this summer I am officially no longer a “newly wed”. G and I will hit our 15 year anniversary right about the time the temperatures are reaching their peak. For some of you that may seem like a drop in the bucket and others it may seem like an eternity. For me, there are days when it feels like I just got married and days when it feels like I’ve been married forever. (more…)

I’m Freaked Out!

April 11, 2007    By: Kristen J @ 8:46 pm   Category: Life

The time has come to potty train my Grand Finale and I don’t feel I’m up to the task. You see, there is nothing that strikes more fear in my heart then potty training a kid. It’s too hard, all the excrement, I just don’t want anything to do with it. (more…)

Kristen J and the Highway

April 3, 2007    By: Kristen J @ 7:21 pm   Category: Life

Beware, this is a really long post!

It’s about 2:30 am and I’m racing up a dark and lonely street known as Happy Valley Road. There is nothing pleasant on this pathway. In fact I feel as if I’m in my own personal nightmare and I’m running as if the Hounds of Hell are after me. I can only hope that no lonely and miserable souls are coming up behind me. (more…)

A Passionless Mind

February 4, 2007    By: Kristen J @ 5:48 pm   Category: Life

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything at the thang. Sure, I’ve had a lot of things going on but mostly I attribute it to the fact that I’ve got issues with long term commitment. It’s true. It’s not only men that have problems with this area but women too. (more…)

Q-Dawg and the News

December 8, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 12:26 pm   Category: Life

I used to be very interested in the great big world around me. I would love to watch the news and find out all about the interesting and sometimes awful things going on here on planet Earth. That has all changed since I’ve become a mother. Now I’m so uninformed if there is an actual apocalypse you might want to give me a call and let me know about it. (more…)

In my Lovely Deseret

November 19, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 10:57 pm   Category: Life

In my last post I talked about how I didn’t feel like writing so much lately because I was so busy, and how I felt weird about acquaintances reading my blog, and ya da ya da ya da. (more…)

Woman at the Dry Well

November 15, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 11:48 pm   Category: Life

I think the blogging well of Kristen J has run dry. Maybe I should write a dramatic and fabulous post announcing that I no longer want anything to do with all of the weirdos that haunt the bloggernacle. It could be very dramatic and exciting. What do you say? Should I do it? (more…)

Name That Jewelry

September 21, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 3:37 pm   Category: Life

Alright I need some help. I make jewelry and I’ve been calling my little business KJ jewelry. How lame is that? It’s time for a change, I need a fun and not-taken name for my business.

My jewelry has a lot of silver and is colorful so I want the name to reflect a light-hearted feel. What do you think, can you help me out?

Give me only your best answers. Geoff has already been giving me dorky names so we’ve got that area covered. I can take fun/dorky but not dorky/dorky.

To sweeten the pot I will make a set of jewelry for the winner. If it’s a guy who wins who doesn’t happen to wear colorful, silver jewelry I will make it for the person of your choosing.

Good luck!

[Associated song: The Smiths – Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want]

Sister J and the 10k

September 19, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 10:13 pm   Category: Life

Earlier in the history of New Cool Thang I mentioned that I was training to run a half marathon. I’m sure most of you thought that I ran like a mad woman for a few weeks and then as my enthusiasm for the project petered out so did my training. Well shame on you! I’ll have you know that I’m still running like a mad woman both literally and figuratively. (more…)

Death at the Co-op

August 26, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 2:19 pm   Category: Life

A couple of years ago my little daughter came home from school with a very sad look on her face. When I asked her what was wrong she said in a tiny and quivering voice, “We talked about pets in school today and when it was my turn I had to tell everyone I didn’t have one.” (more…)

Pet Sematary: Simple Lessons for a Successful Life

August 22, 2006    By: Kristen J @ 11:29 pm   Category: Life

A wonderful thing has happened to my family in the past 6 months. We got tivo! Some of you may be thinking, “Finally, you people are Neanderthals.” And some of you might be thinking, “What’s tivo?” For the uninformed among us tivo is a little box called a dvr that sits on top of your tv and records television programs. It’s great if you hate commercials as much as I do. You can fast forward through those babies and you spend at least 1/3 less the time it would normally take to watch a tv show. (more…)

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